Toyal\Toyo Tokai\Aluminium Hanbai\Toyo Tokai Aluminium Hanbai K.K.

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  2. Our Commitment

Our Commitment We can do

Building New Bridges between People and Aluminium.

We at Toyo Tokai Aluminium K.K. are committed to bridging the potential applications of aluminium with the needs and wants of diverse industries and everyday life. To deliver total satisfaction to our customers, we are offering a whole range of aluminium materials, products, and related services, including incidental items and packaging equipment, as well as innovative solution proposition and cutting-edge information.

We have been successfully building and upgrading our order fulfillment and logistics systems to ensure speedy delivery of exact products requested by our customers at all times. It is our sincere wish that our endeavors lead to new encounters between people and aluminium towards a brighter future.

Sales Agent of Leading Aluminium Foil/Paste Manufacturers

Our company started out as a sales agent of Toyo Aluminium K.K., the world’s top manufacturer of high-quality aluminium foil/paste products, the distribution of which continues to be at the core of our business. Based on years of relations with leading pharmaceutical and electronics companies combined with extensive knowledge on products and markets, we will continue to meet the specific needs and wishes of our customers.

Expansion and Diversification

We have established two overseas offices, one in Singapore and one in Shanghai, China, through which we not only distribute high-quality Japanese products but also handle products made abroad. Our business is expanding globally and to other sectors beyond aluminium to serve a wider customer base with a broader range of products.

For Total Customer Satisfaction

To link the potential applications of aluminium and the needs and wants of various industrial sectors and everyday life, we are proposing innovative solutions and providing cutting-edge information while ensuring speedy delivery of exact products requested by our customers.